We have a fun word game to play together, that celebrates the winter season and can be enjoyed anywhere. We have called it I went to a Winter Festival, and it develops brainstorming, listening and memory skills.

Explain the rules to all players and let the winter wonderland fun begin.


1. The first person says, I went to a winter festival, and states what s/he brought. For example, I went to a winter festival and I brought mittens.

2. The next person repeats what the first person brought and their own new item. For example, I went to a winter festival and I brought mittens and hot chocolate.

3. The next person repeats the first two items and adds their own. For example, I went to a winter festival and I brought mittens, hot chocolate and a hockey stick.

4. The game continues with players getting subsequent turns in order.

A person is out when s/he forgets the pattern of what is brought along. Alternatively, the players can just help others remember and the game can continue until you wish to move on to another activity. 

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